Kierkegaard and Love Workshop

The subject of love is central to the Program’s research on well-being and flourishing. It is part of “The Construct and Assessment of Love” grant funded by the John Templeton Foundation. Our hope with the “Kierkegaard and Love Workshop” is to explore Kierkegaard’s rich insights on themes concerning love in his thought and beyond. We are especially interested in receiving submissions that explore the unitive and contributory aspects of love. When we speak of the unitive aspect of love we have in mind that dimension of love that seeks unity of some kind with the beloved. When we speak of the contributory aspect of love we have in mind that dimension of love that seeks to contribute to the good of the beloved in some way and for the beloved’s own sake.


Dates and Formats:

The “Kierkegaard and Love Workshop” will have two instalments. The first instalment of the workshop will take place in online (ZOOM) format on November 4-5, 2021. The second installment of the workshop will take place on March 17-18, 2022 in a hybrid online(ZOOM) and in-person format in the Human Flourishing Program office on 12 Arrow Street, Cambridge, USA. 


Keynote Addresses:

  • John Lippitt is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Institute for Ethics & Society at the University of Notre Dame Australia.
  • Iben Damgard is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Copenhagen

This event is free, but it requires registration. REGISTRATION LINK


  • Jeffrey Hanson, The Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University
  • Wojciech Kaftanski, The Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University

Contact Person

Wojciech Kaftanski: