'The Loneliness Pandemic' [Harvard Magazine] featuring our research on well-being during COVID-19

December 17, 2020

The newest edition of Harvard Magzine is dedicated to the subject of loneliness. The opening article of the issue, "Loneliness Pandemic: The psychology and social costs of isolation in everyday life" by Jacob Sweet, features our research on well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic further explained by Program director, Tyler J. VanderWeele. 

We warmly recommend the article, which is available under this link.

Below is a little excerpt focusing on our reseearch

Vanderweele observed that well-being overall was down, notably, with the largest decline in “financial and material stability.” But scores for “meaning and purpose,” “character and virtue,” and “close social relationships” declined much less significantly—each about a third of a standard deviation. “I think people are reevaluating their lives,” he says, “and trying to find meaning in the midst of what is a very difficult set of circumstances.”