"Outcome-wide Epidemiology and Causal Inference" - Workshop with Tyler J. VanderWeele (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm)

March 14, 2022




Abstract: The workshop will provide an overview of the principles of causal inference especially as relevant to outcome-wide studies. Outcome-wide epidemiologic studies are an extension of the approach often used to assess evidence for the causal effects of an exposure using confounding control, but over numerous outcomes rather than a single outcome. Discussion will be given to (i) the temporal and confounding control principles for causal inference in general and as related to outcome-wide studies;  (ii) metrics, such as the E-value, to evaluate robustness or sensitivity to potential unmeasured confounding for each outcome; and (iii) approaches to handle multiple testing. Outcome-wide longitudinal designs have numerous advantages over more traditional studies of single exposure-outcome relationships including results that are less subject to investigator bias, greater potential to report null effects, greater capacity to compare effect sizes, a tremendous gain in the efficiency for the research community, a greater policy relevance and a more rapid advancement of knowledge. Discussion will be given to both the practical and theoretical justification for the outcome-wide longitudinal studies and also the pragmatic details of their implementation. Outcome-wide designs have the potential to more rapidly advance our knowledge within epidemiology.

This workshop is organized with financial support from The Strategic Research Area in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (SFOEpi) at Karolinska Institutet and the Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology at Karolinska Institutet

Register: Fully booked
No workshop fees, coffee/tea is included.

Host: Anita Berglund, Head Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, anita.berglund@ki.se