James L Ritchie-Dunham

James L Ritchie-Dunham

Leadership for Flourishing
James L. Ritchie-Dunham
James L. Ritchie-Dunham, PhD is Project Co-lead of the Leadership for Flourishing project, lead author for the “close social relations” working group of the Global Flourishing Study, a research collaborator in Harvard’s Center for Work, Health, & Well-being, and president of the Institute for Strategic Clarity.  He received his Ph.D. in decision sciences from UT Austin and completed postdocs at MIT in organizational studies and system dynamics and at Harvard in psychology and Langer mindfulness.  He teaches managing change and responsible leadership at Boston College.  His work focuses on ecosynomic pactoecography, at the intersection of decision sciences, well-being measurement, and strategic organizational leadership.  He co-authored the books Ecosynomics (2014) and Managing from Clarity (2001), as well as many articles and chapters on abundance-based agreements and strategic clarity.  Through his global research community and global survey with over 100,000 group responses, he is driven to identify and learn with leaders whose organizations flourish, across the globe.