(SHINE) The Sustainability and Health Initiative for Netpositive Enterprise



The Sustainability and Health Initiative for Netpositive Enterprise (SHINE) is led by long-time Human Flourishing Program (HFH) collaborator Dr. Eileen McNeely, who moved SHINE from the Harvard School of Public Health to Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science to work side-by-side with HFH.  SHINE’s research centers around the meaning and impact of work in our lives, including how work affects our flourishing. SHINE collaborates with organizations as incubator labs to study real-time, real-world challenges and to examine the ways in which work and business influence well-being. Specifically, SHINE research aims to map a universal language and understanding of complete well-being -- including the drivers of well-being, the impact of work systems and new work designs on well-being, and the conditions for resiliency and for flourishing.  The research will help broaden our understanding about how business leaders and policy-makers can augment the quality of life and the future sustainability of all stakeholders – employees, supply chain workers, consumers, investors, communities, and the environment. This aim is enabled by the collection of data from across the value chain and from multiple industries to account for the ripple effects of work—global supply chain factories, corporate board rooms, manufacturing facilities, community organizations, schools, and other workplaces. SHINE researchers leverage multi-disciplinary understandings, including economics, social psychology, health science and flourishing, ethics, organizational behavior, and management science, revealing new insights to inform future of work and sustainability. 

See SHINE's Website